Marriott’s Data Breach: A Wake-Up Call for Businesses

Marriott’s Data Breach: A Wake-Up Call for Businesses

Marriott International has recently been in the spotlight for all the wrong reasons. Over the past decade, multiple data breaches have exposed the personal information of hundreds of millions of guests.

From passport numbers to payment card details, sensitive customer data fell into the hands of hackers, costing the company millions in penalties and settlements—most recently $52 million to the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) and 49 states.

But what if we told you that many of these costly incidents could have been prevented with some basic security measures that any Managed Service Provider (MSP) would typically provide?

Let’s explore how managed IT services could have saved Marriott millions and protected their customers from the headaches of compromised personal information.

What Went Wrong at Marriott?

Marriott’s data breaches weren’t isolated incidents—they were a chain of failures over several years. It all began when Marriott acquired Starwood Hotels in 2016. At that time, Starwood’s systems had already been compromised, exposing sensitive information of millions of guests. The breach wasn’t discovered until two years after the acquisition, meaning customer data was left vulnerable for a prolonged period.

To make matters worse, two additional breaches in the following years affected millions more. Hackers could access everything from guest names and email addresses to payment card details, passport numbers, and loyalty account information. These incidents weren’t just unfortunate—they indicated a lack of fundamental security practices.

The FTC cited poor password controls, outdated software, and inadequate monitoring as the main culprits behind these breaches. These are precisely the kinds of vulnerabilities an MSP helps identify and fix for businesses well before they lead to a data disaster.

Managed Service Providers Can Be Your Frontline Defense

You might be wondering: what could a Managed Service Provider have done differently for Marriott? The answer lies in proactive monitoring and maintaining a robust security strategy. Here are a few ways MSPs help prevent incidents like the Marriott data breach:

Routine Vulnerability Scanning and System Updates

One of the issues identified by the FTC was outdated software and inadequate network security practices. A good MSP routinely scans your systems for vulnerabilities and updates software to patch potential security holes before hackers can exploit them. Keeping systems up to date is a simple yet effective step that Marriott overlooked.

Improving Password Practices

Weak passwords and poor password management were also blamed for Marriott’s breach. MSPs implement strong password policies, enforce regular password changes, and even set up multi-factor authentication (MFA). These simple measures make it exponentially more difficult for attackers to gain access.

Regular Security Audits and Monitoring

The breaches at Marriott happened partly because their IT infrastructure lacked effective monitoring. An MSP monitors your network in real-time and conducts regular audits to spot unusual activity. If something looks out of place, they act quickly to stop it. If Marriott had this type of monitoring, they might have detected the breaches far earlier, reducing the damage.

Data Retention and Deletion Policies

Another area Marriott struggled with was data retention—they held on to too much customer data for too long. An MSP helps you establish data retention policies so you only store the information you need for as long as necessary. This reduces your exposure in case of a breach. The FTC’s settlement even mandated Marriott to set up better data deletion practices, which could have been handled proactively with a managed services partner.

A Breach Costs More Than Prevention

When you think about the financial implications of a breach, it’s not just about the fines and settlements—which amounted to $52 million recently for Marriott. There’s also the damage to reputation, the legal fees, and the loss of customer trust. It’s a hard lesson that many companies, including Marriott, are learning the hard way.

Hiring an MSP might seem like an additional cost for your business, but think of it as a form of insurance. Proactive security measures prevent the kind of breaches that have now cost Marriott dearly. With the right partner handling your IT needs, you can focus on your core business without worrying about hackers sneaking into your network.

Don’t Wait for a Crisis to Act

The Marriott case is a cautionary tale for all businesses, large or small. Data security should never be left to chance. If Marriott—a multinational hospitality giant—can fall victim to repeated breaches, it can happen to anyone.

If you don’t have a dedicated IT team constantly monitoring and safeguarding your data, it might be time to consider working with a Managed Service Provider. Let us help you stay ahead of threats, so you can keep your customers safe and your business running smoothly.

Let’s Chat About Securing Your Business

Ready to take the next step in protecting your company? Reach out to us for a consultation. We’ll help you evaluate your current IT setup, identify vulnerabilities, and create a tailored plan that keeps your business and customers secure. Don’t wait until a data breach forces you to take action—let’s start today.